Nutrition (It's all good)

Our prawns are packed with natural goodness because we raise them free from antibiotics, chemicals and artificial feed. They are instead left to grow in low stocking density ponds, feeding only on the pond's naturally occurring food - resulting in happy, healthy prawns with a great nutrition profile.

You can find out more about how we nurture our prawns by visiting The Journey page.

Delicious, Nutritious Prawns

The benefits of eating prawns…

Prawns have always had a place at the table of healthy eaters - and here's why:

  • A good source of minerals like iron, zinc, vitamin E, iodine and selenium.
  • Naturally low in saturated fats.
  • Zero carbohydrates.
  • A good source of Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • A great source of protein.

It doesn't hurt that they're delicious too!

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